RPM core case study of a thesis at Pisa University
Posted by Riccardo Paterni on 09/10/2019

RPM core case study of a thesis at Pisa University

On 9th October 2019, Gianluca Bertelli has presented and debated with a commission at PIsa University, Faculty of Management and Economics, a thesis focusing on companies networks for business development and featuring RPM as the core business case study. 


Professor Riccardo Giannetti has been the thesis supervisor and we have been happy to cooperate with Gianluca and Professor Giannetti in develpoing the thesis: it has helped us to better identify and define RPM organizational development pathways and integrated business developoment strategies for the present and upcoming future. 

Since childhood Gianluca has been a motorsport fan and for years an amateur biker often on track to set-up his motorbike and race it. He graduated with the highest score. 

We thank Gialnuca and Professor Giannetti for the clear and useful work (available, in Italian, upon request).

We are preparing with Professor Giannetti a new project focusing on RPM growth leveraging upon competencies leading to innovation development and know-how transfer from motorsport to several technologically related sectors. 

Posted in RPM News